Sunday School was held for Littles only this week.
This week instead of having a new lesson, we just had some Halloween fun!
Sunday School was held for Middles and Youth only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme for Middles and Youth - Fruits of the Spirit - Joy Part Middles and Youth - Today was Part 2 of our lesson on the Fruits of the Spirit, Joy. We began by listening to a song by Simon and Garfunkel, You Can Tell the World. The song is a joyful, exuberant song about the joy we get through the Holy Spirit and sharing that joy, “shouting our joy,” to the world. After listening to the song, they spent some time analyzing the words of the song, and then discussing what this all means to us in our daily lives. How do we “shout our joy” in words, actions and attitudes and what is the result? What do we get in return. What are the fruits of our joy? Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for Littles only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - The Lord’s Prayer Littles - They heard the story, “Our Father” by Sabrina Bus. With clear, simple language and sweet illustrations, this book explains the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer. Brief explanatory text relates the words of the prayer to young children’s everyday lives and teaches them how to talk to God like a father. Then they once again practiced saying the Lord’s Prayer like we say in church every Sunday. We talked about how many believe that this is the prayer Jesus prayed in the garden and is the prayer taught to us by Jesus. Craft/Activity for Littles - They made 2 crafts today. First they made a bookmark with the Lord’s Prayer on it. Then they made an apple craft reminding them to “Keep Jesus at the Core of Everything.” Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for Middles and Youth only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - Fruits of the Spirit - Joy Middles and Youth - This year we will be learning about and discussing the 9 Fruits of the Spirit. Each month we will focus on a different “fruit.” On the first Sunday of the month we will read about ways that month’s fruit is represented in scripture and psalms. On the third Sunday of the month, we will talk about ways that fruit is manifested in our daily lives. In October we will be talking about “Joy.” Today we first reviewed a bit about the seasons of the church year, and the Holy Trinity. Then we read and discussed a selection from Psalm 28:7 and Psalm 100, both of which refer to joy in spirit. Each student is bringing home a handout with a summary on it. Upcoming Schedule
OUR PROGRAMWe hold Sunday School every other Sunday, Sept. through May, during the 10:00 Worship Service. Our program includes students of all ages, from Preschool through Grade 6 Archives
November 2023
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