There was no Sunday School held this week. Instead all of our students stayed upstairs to participate in the service for the 1st Sunday in Advent, and the Baptism and Reception into the Episcopal Church.
Sunday School this week was held for "Littles" only
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - What is Advent? Littles - Sunday, Dec. 1st, is the first Sunday of Advent this year. Since we won’t have Sunday School that day due to a special baptism and reception into the church, today our Littles talked about the meaning of Advent. The season of Advent is the beginning of the church year. “Advent” means “the coming.” The first Sunday of Advent is always 4 Sundays before Christmas. During Advent we are preparing for the birth of Christ and we anticipate his second coming. The color for Advent is usually either purple (for royalty) or blue (for peace). We also talked about the things we do in our homes to help get ready for Christmas. Craft/Activity - We made an Advent Countdown Chain. BEGINNING NEXT SUNDAY, DEC. 1st, each day during Advent, your child can take a link off the chain and do whatever task is suggested on that link, or you can come up with a task on your own. We hope this will help them to keep the spirit of the season, keep God and Jesus in their thoughts, and help them countdown to Christmas! Upcoming Schedule Dec. 1 - 1st Sunday in Advent AND Baptism and Reception ALL GROUPS WILL STAY UPSTAIRS - There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Dec. 8 - Littles will come downstairs. Middles and Youth will stay upstairs. Dec. 15 - ALL groups will come downstairs. Dec. 22 - Littles will come downstairs. Middles and Youth will stay upstairs. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - Festive Christmas Eve Service in the evening with no Sunday School ALL STUDENTS WHO WOULD LIKE TO WILL BE PART OF A SPECIAL PRESENTATION DURING THE SERVICE Dec. 29 - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School was held for ALL STUDENTS this week, Littles, Middles, and Youth
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - The Baptism of Jesus and Our Own Baptism Littles - Today we read about John the Baptist in our Spark Bible. John the Baptist appears in Judea to proclaim the coming of the kingdom of heaven. He warns the people to repent of their sins in order to prepare for the Lord’s coming. He also talks of the one who will baptize the people “with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” Jesus then appears and insists that John baptize him. Then we talked about how we are baptized as well and what happens during a baptism service in church and what it means. Craft/Activity - We made Baptism Remembrance Boxes to remind us that Jesus was baptized and that we were baptized too. The top of the box illustrates Jesus’ baptism. Inside the box are pebbles to remind us of the River Jordan and that first baptism. Also inside are reminders of our own modern day baptism service, a white candle like to pascal candle that is lit, a shell to remind us of the river and the water poured over our heads, and a passage that is said in the prayers, “We are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.” Middles and Youth - We talked about the sacrament of Holy Baptism and what it means. We read through the service of baptism and looked for mentions of “love” as we also connected baptism to Part 2 of our theme of the Love Fruit of the Spirit for this month. Upcoming Schedule Nov. 24 - Littles will come downstairs. Middles and Youth will stay upstairs. Dec. 1 - 1st Sunday in Advent AND Baptism and Reception ALL GROUPS WILL STAY UPSTAIRS - There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Dec. 8 - Littles will come downstairs. Middles and Youth will stay upstairs. Dec. 15 - ALL groups will come downstairs. Dec. 22 - Littles will come downstairs. Middles and Youth will stay upstairs. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - Festive Christmas Eve Service in the evening with no Sunday School ALL GROUPS WILL BE MAKING A SPECIAL PRESENTATION DURING THE SERVICE Dec. 29 - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School was held for Littles only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - I am strong with God Littles - They heard the story, “Daniel’s Night in the Den” which tells the bible story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den. We talked about trusting in God, turning to God in times of need, and getting strength from God. Craft/Activity for Littles - They made a beaded bracelet that says, “I am strong with God.” Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for ALL STUDENTS this week, Littles, Middles, and Youth
Before the worship service and Sunday School, Kathy Sullivan worked with all of the kids to practice some percussion accompaniment for use during the closing hymn today. This Week in Sunday School - Theme for Littles - God’s Wonderful World Theme for Middles and Youth - Fruits of the Spirit - Love Part 1 Littles - They heard the story, “Dear God, Your World is Wonderful” by Annie Fitzgerald. This book talks about some of the wonderful things in the world that God has created for us. After the story they further discussed things they notice about God’s wonderful world, and in particular, the changing of the seasons. Craft/Activity for Littles - They made “I Be-leaf in God” fall leaf mobiles Middles and Youth - Today was Part 1 of our lesson on the Fruits of the Spirit, Love. We began by listening to and discussing the sermon about love that Presiding Bishop Michael Curry delivered at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle last year. Bishop Curry talked about love as referenced by several bible verses, and by Martin Luther King, Jr. He asked listeners to imagine a world governed by the power of God’s love and what that would look like. We discussed ways God shows us love. The kids are bringing home copies of this sermon. You can listen to this powerful sermon and read the transcript of it at this NPR website: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Sermon - The Power of Love Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for Littles only this week.
This week instead of having a new lesson, we just had some Halloween fun! Sunday School was held for Middles and Youth only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme for Middles and Youth - Fruits of the Spirit - Joy Part Middles and Youth - Today was Part 2 of our lesson on the Fruits of the Spirit, Joy. We began by listening to a song by Simon and Garfunkel, You Can Tell the World. The song is a joyful, exuberant song about the joy we get through the Holy Spirit and sharing that joy, “shouting our joy,” to the world. After listening to the song, they spent some time analyzing the words of the song, and then discussing what this all means to us in our daily lives. How do we “shout our joy” in words, actions and attitudes and what is the result? What do we get in return. What are the fruits of our joy? Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for Littles only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - The Lord’s Prayer Littles - They heard the story, “Our Father” by Sabrina Bus. With clear, simple language and sweet illustrations, this book explains the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer. Brief explanatory text relates the words of the prayer to young children’s everyday lives and teaches them how to talk to God like a father. Then they once again practiced saying the Lord’s Prayer like we say in church every Sunday. We talked about how many believe that this is the prayer Jesus prayed in the garden and is the prayer taught to us by Jesus. Craft/Activity for Littles - They made 2 crafts today. First they made a bookmark with the Lord’s Prayer on it. Then they made an apple craft reminding them to “Keep Jesus at the Core of Everything.” Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for Middles and Youth only this week.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - Fruits of the Spirit - Joy Middles and Youth - This year we will be learning about and discussing the 9 Fruits of the Spirit. Each month we will focus on a different “fruit.” On the first Sunday of the month we will read about ways that month’s fruit is represented in scripture and psalms. On the third Sunday of the month, we will talk about ways that fruit is manifested in our daily lives. In October we will be talking about “Joy.” Today we first reviewed a bit about the seasons of the church year, and the Holy Trinity. Then we read and discussed a selection from Psalm 28:7 and Psalm 100, both of which refer to joy in spirit. Each student is bringing home a handout with a summary on it. Upcoming Schedule
Sunday School was held for "Littles" only this week. Our Youth will be having a FREE Community Car Wash after the worship service today.
This Week in Sunday School - Theme - The Ten Commandments - The rules God wants us to live by Littles - They heard the story, “The Story of the Ten Commandments” by Patricia A. Pingry. The book tells the story of Moses and how the Ten Commandments were given to him and that we still live by these rules today. The commandments are presented in simple, kid-friendly words to make them understandable to young children without changing their meaning. Craft/Activity for Littles - They made “tablets” with the Ten Commandments on them in the terms we used today. Upcoming Schedule
OUR PROGRAMWe hold Sunday School every other Sunday, Sept. through May, during the 10:00 Worship Service. Our program includes students of all ages, from Preschool through Grade 6 Archives
November 2023
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